By: Miss Christa What a fun and wet morning! LOL!! Today we colored flowerpots on and off the paper, once they were done and the table was full of marker it was time to clean it off. Oh my do I have a great group of table washers!!! I think this summer we will have squirt bottle fights and Miss Christa will be the one soaking wet!!!
By: Miss Christa
Happy Tuesday!! This week I will like to talk about signs of spring and today's PE with miss Kathy was perfect, we read a book about planting gardens. Then we danced around the classroom with our big and small flowers, we then went outside and planted pea seeds along the back fence of the preschool playground. The preschoolers have started planting some seeds for their garden and I am hoping to do the same this week for ours. I would still like to take a little nature walk this week to look for signs of spring I just hope the Weather will cooperate for us!!!! If you have not seen them yet the North Routt humming birds are back, our feeders are still out and they are a bit mad that they are empty so I guess it its time to start feeding them. Last summer we had a lot of humming bird friends mainly because it was a wonderful year to see many different types of wild flowers, I am hoping it will be the same way this year, this will give us a lot of colors to explore out our back doors and many colorful friends! By: Miss Christa Hi all and happy Friday, the kidos and I am so glad the weather has decided to get warmer, today we spent a lot of time out soaking up the sun. We pretended that I was a bear and was trying to get into their home, we ran all over the toddler playground!! Next we went for a little walk in the stroller and we filled up the bird feeder. After our walk we let Mr. Buttons hop around the playground for a while it was fun to try and catch him because he is very fast!! By: Miss Christa Happy Beautiful Thursday everyone!! Today we spent a lot of time outside it was warm and very sunny. once outside we played in our playground for a while then we went for a walk and then the preschoolers joined us in the parking lot and played freeze tag and kicked balls around. After lunch our little friend showed up again, a little ladybug, one of our preschoolers found him inside yesterday afternoon. I assumed he was a tag-a-long on someones shoulder so I put him back up to our hanging plant, for now. |
AuthorMy name is Christa Kline I am the Toddler teacher here at the North Routt Preschool & Early Learning Center, I feel blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful children. I look forward to each and every day and am excited to watch them grow. Thank you for sharing their smiles with us!! Archives
April 2018
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