By Miss Michelle Hello NRP parents and friends! I want to apologize for not posting anything yesterday; we were experiencing some problems with Internet. However, we're back and ready to roll! Sticking with our Spring time theme for this week, we made a few creations to help us think warm thoughts. Yesterday, we created dandelion flowers using paint and plastic forks. It was another way to paint things and it turned out to be really fun; even though we went through more than a few plastic forks :) We also talked about other types of spring flowers and why they bloom in the spring time. Today at preschool was especially busy because we ventured over to the charter school for another buddy reading day! But first we made clouds and rainbows and talked about how rainbows are formed. The preschoolers and I also used our new chalkboard to draw pictures of things we see in the spring time! At first, it started as the pictionary game, but the kids drawing the pictures had a hard time keeping their spring design a secret from the guessers! I hope you are having a terrific Wednesday!
By Miss Michelle
Hello everyone!!! I hope everyone had an amazing time over spring break! I'm hearing lots of wonderful stories about the adventures the preschoolers went on with their families. Sounds like they had tons of fun! Well my spring break was rather busy as well. Instead of traveling out of town, I came to the preschool to do some work. One of my projects was to paint a magnetic chalk board in the preschool and toddler classrooms. Trust me when I say, these new additions to our classroom have been very popular! When you come to pick up your child, you'll have to check them out! We also have a new friend here with us at preschool this week. Her name is Emily and she's already making lots of memories with her new classmates here at NRP. Spending time outside today was short lived, but still fun because we took the sand toys out of the shed and got to play with them. Enjoy the rest of your Monday!! By Miss Michelle Happy Thursday North Routt Preschool parents! It's such a beautiful day outside and we took advantage of it here at preschool. Keeping with our Easter theme this week, the preschoolers and I dyed Easter eggs today! It was definitely a fun project to do! After coloring the eggs, we waited for them to dry and decorated them even more by applying stickers. Each preschooler gets at least two eggs to take home and I hope everyone enjoys them! Also, the kids and I traveled over to the Charter School for our first library reading day of this year! One of the librarians from the library in Steamboat is generous enough to drive up here once a month and read stories to the kindergarden and preschool classes. It was great fun! She not only read stories, but also sang songs and danced with us. This is such a great program to be a part of and I am very thankful for it! I wish everyone a safe and wonderful Easter holiday and spring break!!!! I'm going to miss the preschoolers, but am confident they will have great stories for me when they return to school. Enjoy! By Miss Michelle Today at preschool we experienced a different way to paint. I had cut out some Easter eggs and decided to teach the preschoolers how to paint using marbles! With each marble dipped in paint, all they had to do was roll around their tray and the marble did the painting! This activity really worked on their motor skills and I was pleasantly surprised to see how well everyone did! We also ventured outside because once again most of the snow melted on our playground. It melted enough for me to finally see this wonderful garden I have been hearing about! The kids here are amazing at catching worms. I stopped counting after they had found ten! Keep warm thoughts in your mind because I really want to start spending more time outside!! Also, if you haven't yet done so, please think about bringing your child's mud gear to school. We got very dirty today, but loved every minute of it :) Have a wonderful Wednesday!!! By Miss Michelle Happy Tuesday everyone!! I hope you are having a great day! We started our day off by making bunny ear hats! I can't wait for parents to see them because they truly are festive! We also had our weekly visit from Miss Kathy today and as usual, she had very fun things for us to do! The first thing we did was talk about Easter and the Easter bunny, then we had a great game to play that helped us learn our colors. Next the charter school mentors came over to set up three different stations that all involved Easter activities. One station was an egg hunt, one was a rabbit hunt and the other was an egg race. Each preschooler had the chance to experience each station and they agreed the egg hunting was their favorite! Another great day here at school and we hope your day is going just as well! By Miss Michelle Happy Monday everyone!! I hope your weekend was great! First I wanted to thank all of you that participated in our pancake breakfast and Easter egg hunt this last Saturday! It was an amazing day and I hope everyone had as much fun as I did! This week at preschool, we have an Easter theme planned. Today we made Easter bunnies and played a game with eggs and cards. Each child was given a card with the picture of an Easter egg on it. The top of the egg was a different color than the bottom and the children needed to match their Easter egg to the picture on the card. It was a lot of fun and we really enjoyed it! Our Easter bunnies were made of paper, glue and cotton balls! Trust me when I say we have some unique bunnies at our school!! However, I was told my bunny looked like a cat :) In the photo below, you'll see Delia reading to her friends. This was so cool to watch Delia play teacher for reading time! She read to her "students" and answered any questions they had about the story. We also have some exciting news!! Two of the ducks from our incubator have hatched!! We now have fourteen chicks and two baby ducks!! It is very exciting for us here at preschool!! Have a wonderful Monday everybody!! Today at preschool, we pulled out an elementary dictionary and looked up the meanings of some random words. I had a purpose for this exercise, but I first wanted to let the kids chose a word to look up and tell them the definition. They really enjoyed it! My plan was to look up the meanings of the words spring and flower. Once we did, we discussed what spring was, what it looked like and then we started talking about flowers. Instead of having the preschoolers draw flowers, I thought it would be more fun to use paint and old water bottles and our hands to make flowers!! If you have ever noticed the bottom of water bottle, it looks like a beautiful flower! Our hand prints also make really neat looking tulips! Next, we went outside for a walk where we looked for signs of spring!! We saw birds, flowers, green grass, green trees and even a worm!!! Like the preschoolers, I am so happy to see that spring has finally arrived! Enjoy the rest of your Thursday!!
REMEMBER!! The Easter egg hunt and pancake breakfast is THIS Saturday at the charter school. The pancake breakfast starts at 10 A.M. and the egg hunt starts at 11. We hope you can make it!!! By Miss Michelle
Happy Wednesday everyone! What a beautiful day we are having in the North Routt community. It is a perfect day to spend outside, however, it is also a great day for buddy reading! The preschoolers and I traveled over to the charter school for our weekly buddy reading session. As always, we enjoyed ourselves greatly! We also had some outside time with Miss Kathy and a few charter school students. The children and I played basketball and got to ride on scooters while someone pulled us with a hula hoop!! It's never boring for us when we visit the charter school! Also, sticking with our spring fever theme this week, I had a spring chick activity for the preschoolers to make. We made our own version of chickens using construction paper and glue. I cut out several different shapes and let the kids pick the pattern they wanted to use to make their baby chick! They definitely came up with some interesting designs!!! Another great day at preschool! I hope you enjoy the rest of your Wednesday!! By Miss Michelle Happy Tuesday everybody! I hope you're all having a great day! We are having so much fun at preschool today! The kids discovered new toys to use on the light table this morning. Miss Kerri Ann found a plastic tin with dividers in it to support the pieces and the children decided to sort them by color! So great to see them making those connections. Today is also Miss Kerri Ann's birthday!! We loved singing happy birthday to her and making her a card! I wish her a fantastic birthday with many blessings!! Tuesdays are also our day with Miss Kathy!! As usual, she had a lot of fun things planned for us. We talked a lot about our emotions today and how to express them. She also had a lot of fun games for us to play involving sticks and domes! We pretended they were candlesticks and jumped over them! When we ventured outside, we built tunnels using sticks and popped lots of bubbles. Another awesome day here at preschool!! By Miss Michelle The chicks are here, the chicks are here! If any of you remember, we are incubating some chicken and duck eggs. We had a big surprise yesterday, a few eggs started to hatch! Of course they had to hatch on the day of the chili cook off, but thankfully it takes a long time for them to come out of their shells. The preschoolers as well as many other charter school kids were very excited to meet these baby chickens. We were lucky enough to get to actually see a chicken hatch from its egg! What an amazing experience for these children to see!! So today, we also made our own chicks for the preschool kids to take home with them. This week we will be learning more about chickens and ducks (which will hatch next week) and create lots of spring crafts!! I am so excited to get the chicks out of the incubator and put them in a box for the kids to closer examine! Prepare for lots of baby chick stories at home! Have a great rest of the day everyone! Also, a huge thank you to everyone that came to the chili cook off yesterday! It was a lot of fun and I am not just saying that because my jambalaya got third place!!! I love seeing how supportive this community is! Happy Monday! |
August 2018
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